Advertising Promos
Advertising is a non-personal form of communication regarding products and services from an identified source to large number of potential customers. We aim to help our clients to sell goods and services, support the concern to face competition and create a favorable image of products and client’s firm. We make use various media of advertising such as newspapers, magazines, catalogues, radio, television, billboard signs and posters.
- Promotional Mix
We accomplish promotion and marketing objectives in the combination of two or more promotional methods that are applied for the product(s). Thus, we constitute the promotional mix for the product. Some of the factors that we consider in formulating the promotional mix are: - Nature of the product
- Lifecycle of the product
- Nature of the product’s market
- Size of the product’ budget
- Nature of competition
- Promotional plan
- Advertising Plan
We discuss with our clients about the promotional requirements of products and prepare detailed advertising plan. This plan includes media mix of advertising, longevity of the promotional campaign and advertising budgetary constraints and so on.
- Promotional Strategy
We prepare promotion strategy for our clients with the proper choice of promotional tools depends whether a company adopts push or pull strategy. In case of push strategy, dealer is asked to promote the product line aggressively, for which they are granted high margins and exclusive dealership. Thus, we make use of personal selling and sales promotion in this regard. On the other hand, pull strategy stimulates demand of end-consumer so that they may ask retailers for the product.
- Market Research
We use market research by studying the market reports, information and ideas. Our market research to provide a solid foundation for planning and strategizing clients’ business goals, understanding their target audience, gauging the competition and developing efficient and effective methods for communicating their promotional message. Our market research supports the clients about their target markets and the specific needs of target markets.